
Will Disease X crash 2021?

2021 could be same as 2020

If you’re too happy about the fact 2020 is over and now we have vaccines to counter coronavirus then think again as a new disease is here to haunt you. There’s a new disease in the world named Disease X and according to some reports is deadlier than coronavirus.

But what if 2021 goes just the way as 2020 did. 2020 started casually and seemed like just another year but then everything went south and the whole world was locked down due to a small virus. 2021 could be the same as we aren’t prepared for some disease named X.

Coronavirus wasn’t as deadly as X but still was successful in shutting down the world. I wonder what this year will look like and what will happen next.

Enough said, let’s straight dive into the details about disease X. A doctor who helped discover the Ebola virus disease has warned that many dangerous diseases are on the verge of spreading which could be as transmitted as rapidly as the coronavirus and can be as deadly as the Ebola virus.

Professor Jean-Jacques Muyembe Tamfum from Congo is a microbiologist who helped discover the Ebola virus in 1976 says these viruses emerging from the tropical forests of Africa could rapidly spread and soon grow deadly for the human population. He revealed how a number of new viruses are being expected to come to light in an act which he describes as “a threat for humanity”.

“We are now in a world where new pathogens will come out,” he further told the publication. He also said that he thinks that any new disease could become more apocalyptic than COVID-19. This scientific warning has been given after a woman from the Democratic Republic of the Congo has shown early symptoms of hemorrhagic fever.

While she has been tested for Ebola, researchers fear if she is the patient zero of the hypothetical Disease X which spreads faster than COVID and has Ebola’s 50% to 90% fatality rate.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a Disease X is the possibility of an international epidemic that can spread from a pathogen unknown to humankind. The disease has been included in the list of priority diseases by the health body and experts opine that it is important we stay alert and fear the breakout of any new pathogen.

The WHO has dubbed these unknown disasters waiting to happen as “Disease X” — where the “X” stands for the unexpected. When I was young and I had to solve a maths problem, I always said, “let there be X”. But this time, I am very afraid and don’t want this X to be a part of our lives and the reason for yet another pandemic.

Hence, as recommended:-

  • Wear a Mask,
  • Use a Hand Sanitizer,
  • Even better would be to simply wash your hands with soap & water,
  • Lastly, maintain a distance of 6 ft.

Written by Shubham Saroj

An aspiring Entrepreneur who's also a Copywriter. I love to write blogs and articles on Startups, Entrepreneurship and Business.

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