Our burgeoning brand, was truly born out of an inspiration to make a product that eases lifestyle woes and caters to the untapped issues relating to health and well-being. WARMEE, a self-heating product that keeps you warm on-the-go, sprung up from the want to make winter travellers feel more comfortable during their travels. This revolutionary product is air-activated and stays warm for hours together for providing a cozy travel experience to the users. Needless to say, we have come a long way since the introduction of WARMEE; as today we cater a varied range of products, designed for not only providing warmth, but also easing pain and other related health issues. We are a mission-driven company with social ethics and an urge to excel, that forms the crux of everything we do.
Early Days
Success stories are not written overnight and we have had our share of struggles too, for bringing WARMEE from the stage of inception to making it a travel essential for present-day travellers. Once, the idea was born, to make a product that keeps you warm during your winter holidays, we worked on everything from the size of the product that would make it comfortable for the users, to the packaging and the weight of the end product. As we essentially wanted our product to be lightweight, so that it could be easily carried, but at the same time effective enough to stay warm for hours together, making it worthy for the buyers.
After having the most ergonomic product design, we started promoting the product, which involved a lot of travel and face-to-face interactions with people travelling to colder regions as well as trekkers and hikers. We urged many to try the product and share their feedback with us. Based on user feedback we kept improvising the product. And eventually today, we can proudly say that our product has indeed helped many to stay warm and cozy on their winter journeys and adventures.
Marketing Strategy
Our marketing strategies are as widespread and varied, as our user base. Our products cater to all age groups, right from children to adults and even the elderly who need some curing and relief for their pains and aches. Also, we have a number of category-based users, like travellers, hikers, trekkers, athletes, etc. Hence, we try to connect with our users via all possible channels, which includes print media like newspapers and magazines, exhibitions and trade shows, social media, radio, tie-ups with several travel operators, and so on.
Present Time & Future Goals
Presently we are focusing on bringing a change in the set paradigms and the traditional ways of grappling cold that the consumers are settled with. That involves creating more brand awareness and making the users well-informed about how adapting newer methods and innovations can bring a positive change in their daily lives. For instance, our product range under the BluHeat category, comprises of various self-heating essentials that are designed in unique shapes to be used on various body parts when one experiences pain. The products act therapeutically in providing warmth, reducing pain and accelerating the process of healing. Such self-heating pain-relief products can by themselves revolutionize the way people combat pain, and can enhance the quality of their daily lives remarkably.
In the future we envision to keep expanding our product range by roping in more and more innovations and science applications, to cater to our rapidly growing user base.
In the current times, when it is next to impossible to stay away from synthesized, artificial, unnatural, and feigned products, right from the food we eat to the brands we wear; having a product range that is not only completely natural and safe, but also boasts of providing warmth and comfort effortlessly, is a blessing and a luxury in itself. These qualities make our products unique and idiosyncratic. Embrace the natural warmth of WARMEE, to find a different perspective towards dealing with cold and pain.